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How to study more efficient

First of all you need to accept, that you are not studying for grades. You study to get a better understanding about life. Because after all, don’t we want to know what is behind all the facts?

Many people see studying as a painful experience. But it is not,  you can make it so nice as you want it to be. Take your warm cup of chocolate to you’re couch, open you’re book and you are ready. The key for studying more efficient is to enjoy it. Convince yourself because after each studying session you will get a clearer view of life. And when studying remember why you are studying. You want to know and understand life.
Even after finishing your studying, pick a book from a subject you’re interested in. I keep a list of subject that fascinated me. You can do this to, just grab a pen and write down about fifteen subjects you like or even more. You’ll wander off your subjects and see the beauty behind it all.

Take as much time as you need. Make a schedule or set a time for studying. For example take myself around 6 pm to my room and take one of the subjects I need to learn. And just focus only on only that subject. Take notes and write questions down for your teacher.  And be curious about the universe and what you’re studying. Ask questions and Find answers.

Get enough sleep. Sleep is important because when you sleep the ‘real’ study takes places: your brain is taking in all the information. First it filters the important stuff out of all the crap. Then it saves it in the short-memory, we don’t want that. To get it in the long-memory you have to repeat, repeat and repeat. Recall the information is one of the most important thing to study more efficient. And next time look for yourself up which answer is correct instead of grabbing the correct model. This way you’ll recall the information.

And last but not least,
Be prepared to be a life-long student. Because face the truth; you can’t understand all, if you can’t put the knowledge in practice. So make it a habit. Studying takes much energy, after all it is worth it.
Because if you understand life, you’ll succeed in life.

Ingmar Heikens


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