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Why you should never compare yourself with other

I really was a shy twelve-year old (I know that is a long time ago). And during that time, I spent most of my school days comparing myself to others. But after a while, actually years, I finally opened my mind and saw that comparing really is a bad thing in life. Comparing is what sugar is for your health. It ruins attitude towards yourself. In my case, it really destroyed me. But, today I want to show you why you should not compare yourself, and where you should focus on. So let’s get started!

Comparing is never fair.
We all have a different past. We all are different.Maybe that someone has so much money because he started saving on an early age. As a result he has now more money, so what. Let your past be and focus on now. Or maybe your neighbor has a great six-pack. Don’t worry about it you are a good person, it doesn’t matter if you don’t have that six-pack. You will get there, if you want to. After all comparing will just never be fair. Because of the fact that we all are different and that doesn’t matter ;)

It destroys your sense of self. When comparing yourself to others, you will feel powerless. Because they have what you want. Although, they haven’t got thing you have other skills they want to acquire. So, be happy with yourself. Enjoy what you have. Because when you are comparing you will only let yourself down.

Focus with yourself, not others.
It doesn’t matter if someone is better. If you want to have the thing the other has, work on it. Develop yourself. Otherwise you will only complain and complain over and over. I believe in you. You can become everything you want. Yes, it takes a really long time sometimes. But if you have the motivation to do it. You will become/do it. To conclude, we all can grow into what we imagine ourselves to be.

Try not to get lost in comparing yourself to others. Discover your gifts and let them shine!

Last but not least. You can compare under one circumstance; if you see something another has/does, and you want it, than you can set it on your list of things you want to accomplish/or have. And even under these circumstances, try not to do it that often. And keep smiling people, this life is not at all times so serious :)

Ingmar Heikens


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