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Wake up early

A year ago I woke up at 7.30 am everyday. Just doing the essential things. Such as eat breakfast (which isn’t really essential), brush my teeth and watch a youtube video. After that I got on my bike and cycled to school. And for the rest of the day I was tired. My life took me over. I wasn’t in control. Around 6 months I changed it all. A point of my life, I probably never am going to forget. I changed my clock which was set on 7.30 am to 7.00 am. And after that from 7.00 am to 6.30 am. And around a month I set the clock to 6.00 am. This decision is powerful. And I am going to explain why you should make this choice too.

1. More time to set goals for the day

Firstly, the first benefit is that when you wake up, for example, at 6 am you have all the time to plan your day or make a to-do-list or to do whatever you want to do to plan your day. And when you have done that you have spend 1% of your day to make the other 99% useful. So, you become a more efficient planner.

2. More time to eat breakfast

One of the things I really care about is a good breakfast. It gives me the energy I need though out the day. A study done by Oxford University showed that there are multiple reasons why breakfast is the most important meal of the day. When you sit down and take the time for breakfast you will be energy your whole day long!

3. Quiet time

Waking up at an early hour will give you peace. No one is awake. No one is going to disturb you during your own time. It is just you and your great habits. No yelling kids. Or annoying brothers and sisters. All in all, the best of life ;)

4. Productivity

The mornings are known for the productive hours of the day. You are full of energy and can attack the big tasks first. Because if you start you day off with completing the big tasks, you are more likely to finish your to-do-list.

5. Time for things which are really important for you

Lastly, I usually don’t have a lot time to do the things which are really important for me. Such as reading and writing. But since I woke up earlier, I can make more time for those tasks and develop myself more.

In addition; you will get to see the sunrise though your window.
Morning is an important time of day, because how you spend your morning can often tell you what kind of day you are going to have.

So, at what time are you going to wake up tomorrow?

Ingmar Heikens


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